Meeting in Great Haywood was a Great Success!

This is a guest article from Staffordshire Against HS2, originally published here. It’s great to see Rolfe organising such a big meeting so quickly – if you need help setting up a meeting or new action group, email

The hall was full to capacity and everyone was keen to listen to what THEY could do next

This wonderful building was packed with standing room only as worried residents from around the area packed the hall to hear about the proposed HS2 Route and what it means to them.

Many more were turned away at the door for fire safety reasons

A full presentation of where we are at the moment was given by Rolfe Pearce,  a resident of Colwich who can be contacted via email or by phone on 01889 882619.

Rolfe spent 2 hours alongside Jeremy Lefroy MP for Stafford letting everyone know about the issues effecting the villages and the countryside and more importantly the people who’s real everyday lives will be effected.

If you have found this blog, don’t delay get hold of HS2 Ltd if you in ANYWAY think you may be effected by HS2, get educated get wise and make sure that you send your email address to the email listed to make sure you get the very latest information about what is going on.

The issues are clear for the people of Staffordshire, we are a collection of small communities who are effected by HS2, and they don’t want us to band together and fight this plan. I know the Parish Councils will be banding together to look at the detail of the planning which is what they do best, and they are restricted by years of slow procedure which will stop them from acting quickly to deliver decisions for all our parishes.

So it has become clear that the Parish councils have a vital role in fighting these proposals, but it is not up to them to organize protest groups from residents, the protest groups need to be vocal and loud.

REMEMBER you can be your own little protest group from the comfort of your table in your front room.

When you find yourself complaining about HS2, moaning about the decision to your friends and neighbours, just remember you can make a difference.

Use your computer to email the local press, the TV news, the local radio, tell them all, help keep their postbags full of YOUR OPINIONS remember they are ALL VALID whatever they may be and you are entitled to voice them.

If you were unable to get the the meeting in Great Haywood, there is a meeting in INGESTRE HALL on Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 7.00pm where I will be presenting again to help people get informed. MANY THANKS TO ROGER BROADBENT and his friends and family for organising this.

There will also be a meeting in Colton Village Hall Friday the 8th at 7.00pm arranged by Colton parish council, they want to be involved too. MANY THANKS GO TO PAUL WARING chairman of Colton Parish Council for arranging this.

We have all made a great start, HS2 cannot believe how many people have applied for the property search pack, so well done everyone they are on the way

3 comments to “Meeting in Great Haywood was a Great Success!”
  1. Go to 38% they have new subjects to fight ,add your name to the No to HS2 and let the north join the midlands and south save our countryside.

    • What is a “property search pack”? Why do I want one (just found out the palned route is 400M from our back door). Where do I get it from?

  2. I can not understand how David Cameron can say to other countries you must save your forests and landscapes and yet allow his own country to be decimated by hs2 for what amounts to a vanerty project he will not listen to any concerns of the people along the route all he can say it will make all these jobs if you had 32billion I am sure you could create more jobs in the north without distorting all of our country and homes for the sake of of saving a little saving in time he should no in 30 yrs every thing will be very different he will not be able to bring back our countryside so he should stop now and look after his own countryside

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