There are two consultations, with two sets of maps running concurrently – a “safeguarding” consultation and a separate “property and compensation” consultation, with the same dates – 25th Ocober 2012 to 17:30 on Thursday 31st January 2013.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the Department for Transport website is adding to the confusion, as the opening paragraph in both cases reads:
“On 25th October 2012, Patrick McLoughlin, the Secretary of State for Transport, announced the launch of a Property and Compensation Consultation for Phase 1 of HS2 between London and the West Midlands.”
Hopefully, the Dapartment for Transport will correct the wording soon.
Along with the two consultations there are two sets of maps, one set for the safeguarding consultation, and one set for the property consultation.
Each area has two maps, with an extremely similar filenames (eg for Hangar Lane HS2-HS2-LP-MAP-000-000009_0.pdf and HS2-HS2-PL-MAP-000-000009_1.pdf). On the scaling needed to show the whole map on a normal computer screen, the only obvious difference is that one has a coloured background and the other has a black and white background.
(If you scale up the image so you can read the writing along the bottom, the coloured maps says “PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION MAPPING” and the non-coloured maps say “SAFEGUARDING DIRECTIONS” at the bottom right.)
However if you are in an area with the Voluntary Purchase Zone(VPZ), the coloured maps will also show the zone in blue hatch markings. If your area’s coloured map doesn’t have blue hatched markings, tough luck, there is no VPZ there.