Many of you will have seen our White Elephant, Ellie.
Her presence at an event brings attracts lots of people who want to find out more about HS2, and why we think HS2 is a White Elephant. She’s been photographed for many newspapers and filmed for TV, helping us to inform more people about the downsides of HS2.
Alas, we need to buy a new Ellie.
Sadly Ellie has now developed as many holes as the HS2 Ltd business case: she needs to be constantly pumped full of hot air if she is to remain standing.
We’ve tried patching Ellie up, but just like the patches on the HS2 Ltd case, these don’t really help.
A new Ellie will cost £2,804 (including a blower to pump her up).
In addition to a new Ellie, we have a number of other plans which will need funding such as printing leaflets for the Labour Party Conference and for when the Phase 2 is announced.
If you would like to donate so we can buy a new Ellie and fund our other plans, please can you send a cheque made payable to “Stop HS2″ to Stop HS2, c/o Roger Waller, Treasurer, The Outlook, Dunsmore, Wendover, Bucks. HP22 6QJ or you can pay directly into the bank account Lloyds-TSB, Sort Code 30-94-93, Account no, 34934760.
PS If you want your contribution to be used specifically for a new Ellie and would like a partial refund if we get more than our target, please write “Ellie Fund” on the backs of cheques or using the “details” field in electronic payments.
Ellie is very important to our campaign and we need her back to her best ASAP.
I will certainly be raiding my piggybank.