It’s not just Stop HS2 which has a blog opposing HS2. There are a number of individuals and groups who have their own blogs, which are updated on varying frequency.
Here’s four of them:
- beleben described as “Observations from England on transport, planning, and environment issues.” Beleben links into a number of topics, including HS2, and his?her? posts are always well researched and informed.
- HS2 and the environment How will the proposed HS2 project affect the environment? We sometimes feature guest articles by Peter Delow (look out for one in the next few days), but you can see all his articles on his own blog.
- No to HS2 blog in the Uxbridge Gazette. With posts written by Keri Brennan and Anthea Hartley, it gives the anti-HS2 view from Ruislip.
- Voxopp blog – Blog of the “Villages of Oxfordshire Opposing HS2”. Voxopp are an active action group, who get their information from a variety of sources.
These are just a few of the blogs which regularly write about the problems with HS2. If I’ve missed a blog which posts frequently against HS2 which you read, why not add it in the comments?