Travelling to some of the places that the HS2 Consultation roadshow is the No Show tent.
Local action groups use the tent as a base for an alternative road show, providing members of the public with the alternative view of HS2, providing answers to questions and raising issues for people to consider.
Because the local action groups organise the individual No Shows, what happens at each one varies. For instance at Calvert Green, the organisers listed a large number of possible questions for people to ask HS2 Ltd.
At Waddesdon, the local MP, John Bercow gave a speech.
You can see the No Show tent on the left, behind John Bercow, and the HS2 tents on the right of the picture.
And, of course, Southam News went along totally open-minded and without any thought of behaving in a provoking manner…
Have you seen the photos from Southam News – Southam News