Antoinette Sandbach, Member of Parliament for Eddisbury, says on her website
Although the Secretary of State has refused to formally extend the consultation closure date into the New Year, he has agreed to ensure that any further responses that I receive before 8 January 2019 will be considered by HS2.
Therefore if, after submitting your initial response, you have further comments to make, please send or e-mail these to my office by Monday, 7 January 2019 at the latest and I will ensure that they are forwarded to the Secretary of State for HS2’s consideration.
It was always a cynical decision on the Department for Transport’s part to finish the consultation on the last working day before Christmas Eve. It seemed highly unlikely that anyone from HS2 Ltd would be assessing the responses until the New Year, but it meant that individuals affected by HS2 couldn’t look at the consultation during their Christmas break. Just what we’ve come to expect with HS2 though!
Our current rail system is not working, so ehuton earth should we pay such huge attention and aborrhent sums of money for HS2. It’s a fact that no one I know will be ever using the facility as the fares will obviously be extortionate. Just look at the fares already from Manchester to London. The powers that ge must pay attention to the wider environmental damage this project is going to create. People’s homes, livelihoods and wild animals all to be sacrificed for what is really a Cameron – Clegg vanity project. No thanks, we don’t need it. Spend the money improving the quality of the system we have and open the closed suitable Beeching routes. That would serve the purpose for the public better than a pie in the sky scheme.
We should improve our existing railways. The effect of HS2 will be catastrophic for wildlife, communities and the environment. Plus the people most effected will not benefit in any way. They cannot afford the present fares as it is. This country can not afford what will probably turn out to be a white elephant!
Pingback: STOP HS2 | Not too late to respond to the environmental statement consultation | idealisticautistic
In 2011, I contributed to the initial HS2 consultation, pointing out that it was a total travesty with its decimation of communities, nature reserves and trying to squeeze new major transport infrastructure into existing bottlenecks as around Birmingham and Manchester airport.
From their desktops, these overpaid brains in pods, were able to benefit from the ‘consultations’ to adjust the route and save billions but will never avoid all the pitfalls. In doing so, they undermined one community and then transferred the fears to another.
By responding to their so-called consultation, you can only help them avoid ending in the mire.
So why help them?