Across the country, people are organising picnics in their local parks on 8th July. A group of our supporters will be holding a picnic in Euston Square Gardens, just outside Euston Station.
The picnic will be from 2-5pm on Saturday 8th July, and they are inviting everyone along.

St James Garden, Euston, mid June 2017
Unfortunately, it will be too late for St James Gardens, just round the corner from Euston, as HS2 Ltd will have taken over the gardens and put up hoardings already. But the picnic’s organisers hope to make a trip round the corner at around 4pm, to say farewell.
Meanwhile supporters of the trees have been tying handcrafted scarfs round the trees to mark their loss.

Crafted Flowers on Euston tree

Trees in Cardington Street by Euston
The Have a Field Day on 8th July is being organised by Fields in Trust, who have called on people to arrange the picnics.