Besides the demonstration at Conservative Party Conference on Monday 4th Oct, 12.30 Broad Street, Birmingham (see below), there will be two more demonstrations in Warwickshire and Staffordshire as Secretary of State for Transport, Phillip Hammond Continues his tour of areas affected by HS2 on Tuesday 5th October 2010.
The details are;
Coleshill Town Hall (that’s Coleshill in Warwickshire, not the one in Buckinghamshire which is also affected!) 144 High Street, Coleshill, B46 3BG. This meeting is scheduled to run from 11.15 to 12.15, so please arrive from 10.45.
Lichfield Guildhall, 2-3 Guildhall, Bore St, Lichfield WS13 6LX. This meeting is scheduled to run from 2.00-3.00, so please arrive from 1.30.
We do not anticipate any last-minute change of venue this time as this would be difficult to justify, however there may be a late change of time. If we do hear anything, the website will updated to reflect this, so please check online before setting off. Please remember that the way things have gone so far, Hammond HAS come out to (briefly) address the crowds after the meetings, so if you can’t make it in time for the start please try and turn up for the end, especially as this is the bit the media generally show most interest in. The meetings are scheduled for an hour, but generally he takes longer than that as he gets the media to come in and he does a press conference directly after the meetings before coming out.
Hope to see you there!