Help Stop HS2 by doing your Christmas Shopping.

As shoppers prepare for retailers their ‘Black Friday’ sales this week, did you know that you can donate to Stop HS2 just by doing online shopping, at no cost to yourself?

Easy Fundraising Form

Easy Fundraising Form

By registering as a supporter of Stop HS2 at easyfundraising, retailers – almost 3000 of them – will make a donation to Stop HS2 every time you shop.

It couldn’t be easier, just click on this link and register as a supporter of Stop HS2.

As you can see, it is a really simple form.

Once you have completed and confirmed your registration, please go back to our page; , and log in.

Hover over the ‘Raise More’ tab and click on “The easyfundraising donation reminder’ and download it.

When you have installed the reminder tool, this tiny pop-up will let you know if a website offers a donation.

When you have installed the reminder tool, this tiny pop-up will let you know if a website offers a donation.


Because there are over 2,700 retailers signed up to the scheme, with more being added all the time, it’s impossible to go through them all or try and remember them, so if you install this really simple tool, your computer will let you know that there is a donation available on a website, with a tiny pop-up in the top right corner, and all you’ll ever have to do to make sure a retailer donates to Stop HS2 when you shop, it click ‘activate donation’ the first time you visit that website, and your computer will remember every other time.

It just couldn’t be simpler, and you can raise money for Stop HS2 at no cost to you – all the donations come from the retailer and the price you pay for whatever you buy stays the same.

So please find the time to sign up as a Stop HS2 supporter today.

Of course the other way you can help Stop HS2 when doing your Christmas Shopping is by going to the Stop HS2 shop!

Some of the official merchadise available at the Stop HS2 Shop

Some of the official merchadise available at the Stop HS2 Shop

3 comments to “Help Stop HS2 by doing your Christmas Shopping.”
  1. Pingback: STOP HS2 | Stop HS2 update: shopping, and decisions made and unmade

  2. Burton Green, Chetwode and other English hamlets and villages are being impacted negatively by HS2’s forced change from a plan. The plan is being severly questioned more by more as of little direct value to localities and the frustrations of town and city leaders are resulting in wanting more money for more change.

    The furstrations with Westminster politics and party alliances are becoming very prominent. Even UKIP fails to separate the displacement of local youths from getting jobs with benefits claims. These are both issues not one of them. UKs people are not content with all the inteloping driven by corporations. The Chancellors tax and other incomes are reduced because of the displacement of English and British people earning from projects in the UK.

    The UK is lost in the confustion of the myth there are not enough trained people for the jobs in England and Britain. The politicians have not governed the UK skilfully from Major to Cameron with the Blair and Brown negative impacts. Cameron, Clegg and Milliband and Farague have not got a grip on the issues and the reason reversal has to be more than Stop this HS2 and less benefits for East Europeans. Even Obama has lost control in the USA with rising populations. The British and English were living a myth and still are. The nation was not able to contain 70M to 90M people no matter what sentiments and good nature desires. There is not the land capacity or the wealth for such a policy. Cameron and Osborn have got stuck No wage progress and too many East European coffe shop and construction and famring labourers. What has gone wrong in the UK when retired Generals only despair at the new force structure based on diminished income and pensions. Time to stop HS2 and focus on the critical situation in the UK that no UKIP MPs or their leadership can rescue the nation’s legitimate population from. Time for a step change and put these grandiose plans from an unwelcomed non-solution to an end. Get real Britain please.

    • “…hamlets and villagages are being impacted negatively by HS2’s forced change of plan.”

      “Forced change of plan” indicates some alteration- to what?

      What exactly are the “before” and “after” details of what has been altered- and who “forced” the changes -and for what reasons?

      Please explain so as to make your point,

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