Please do join us on the 19th February for our national Convention.
It will be a day of expert speakers and workshops on issues related to High Speed 2; focusing on three core areas.
Economics – Environment – Enabling Communities
Workshops in these areas will be available free to ticket holders throughout the day. Tickets cost £12.00.
We are still busy finalising all the details but are delighted to update you on three key speakers who are confirmed:-
Christian Wolmar – “Britain’s leading transport commentator”
Christian has become one of the UK’s leading commentators on transport matters and has won several awards for his work. He broadcasts frequently on radio and TV and is a regular pundit on the national news bulletins of terrestrial channels and Sky, as well as having appeared on virtually every radio news programme from World at One and the World Tonight to Radio One’s NewsBeat and LBC. He has made several radio documentaries, including a recent Radio 4 programme on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham, 20 years after the riot.
Christian lives in London and studied at Warwick University within cycling distance of the Convention! Christian takes a strong interest in European affairs, coming from a background of studying at a French school and having a Swedish mother and a Russian father
Professor John Whitelegg BA PhD LLB
John is the Green Party’s Transport expert. John is also Professor of Sustainable Transport at Liverpool John Moores University and Professor of Sustainable Development at York University’s Stockholm Institute of the Environment. John has recently added a law degree to his qualifications and is researching the legal implications of a shift to low carbon procurement, local sourcing and the interaction between human rights and environmental quality.
A transport campaigner of global stature and reputation, John has written ten books on transport and is editor of the journal World Transport Policy and Practice. Whitelegg is a local councillor in Lancaster, and Leader of the North West (of England) Green Party.
Mike Nattrass MEP FRICS
Michael Nattrass is an English politician, and Member of the European parliament for the West Midlands constituency for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). He was elected for the West Midlands to the European Parliament in June 2004 and re-elected in June 2009. Mike Nattrass has represented the people of the West Midlands since being elected in 2004.
Born a Yorkshireman with Black Country roots on his mother’s side, he has resided in Birmingham for over 25 years. He is a fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a former senior partner of Nattrass Giles which he established in 1980. Mike is no Soft Southerner!
So for all those doubters out there – we can categorically say none of these speakers are NIMBYS! There will be more to come nearer the day.
Lizzy Williams
Chairman STOP HS2
Hi all,
I have put a link to the Convention onto our website and as suggested above it would be good if all other areas groups could do the same. This is our showcase and we need as many people as possible to come along.
I am about to book my tickets on line but I know that many of my neighbours do not have this facility – do they have to book beforehand or is there a facility to pay on the day. Could you let me know please Penny.
Thanks Sue Pybus, Kenilworth Action Group
There’s a postal address on the convention page –, and we also hope to give action groups some tickets to sell to their local members.
If you turn up on the day, we won’t send you away, but obviously having advance numbers will really help us with planning.
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Well done on this great programme to date.
Wonder if StopHS2 could get Edmund King from AA to speak on the day?
HS2 is going to impact adversely on 23 million drivers so let’s try and garner their support to opposed this mad transport project. EK spoke with real passion recently at a road safety convention about the way this Gov seems to be putting all its financial eggs into the Rail basket – he is a very influencial guy and has strong views on why ‘roads’ should not be the poor relation!
Just a thought?
you do not tell us how to book! Booking information must be on every web site
also, by requiring an email address you are excluding those without emails, who may be using a borrowed computer. I have an email address so can respond, but others can’t. please do not require emails.
but the main thing is – tell us how to book!
trevor fisher
There are full details of how to book on the main convention page here – there’s also a link in the sidebar.
You can book online from that page, and also by post.