Peter looks in detail at the ES

We occasionally reproduce articles from Peter Delow’s excellent “HS2 and the Environment” blog. He really goes into detail about the HS2 plans and what they mean, especially for the Cubbington area, where he lives.

With the Environmental Statement consultation finishing in under two weeks, his articles provide a lot of information as to how he and others in the local area have looked at the plans for the area.

The most recent articles are


Every article is worth a read, so please go and have a look!

One comment to “Peter looks in detail at the ES”
  1. Please compare how your CFA map book construction maps CT-05 -xx series are very different to the Draft maps in May 2013 documents and both are different to the Hybrid Bill maps/plans. Add to your response how the impacts on you have increased and how little you know about compensation fo the many people like you who are outside the safeguarding but in the vicinity of construction access roads and how land is being mandated to secondary uses from prime pasture or arable land. Also advise the Environmental Audit Select Committee how you have been excluded from the dicated confiscations and changes not discussed by HS2 before in your Community Forum please.

    Many changes from Draft ES to ES and Hybrid Bill in each CFA.

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