Well of course HS2 has been rated ‘amber-red’, it’s always bloody ‘amber-red’! For a record-breaking sixth year, the HS2 project has been rated as ‘in doubt’ with ‘major risks’, as it...
Secret HS2 Documents Question if Phase 2 is Affordable. Today, HS2 Ltd have released a suite of reports from the Infrastructure and Projects Authority...
HS2 is Amber Red, yet again. The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (formerly the Major Projects Authority) published it’s annual report yesterday, and it will come...
Public Accounts Committee say HS1 failure could be repeated with HS2 Today (Weds 20th Jan 2016) the Public Accounts Committee have published a report into the...
West Coast Mainline franchise had same ignored faults as HS2, as Tory group slates plans. Sam Laidlaw, who was put in charge of the investigation into the West Coast Mainline franchise fiasco, has told...