As Greening ordered to explain growing HS2 consultation errors in court, HS2 chief says methodology was inadequate. With the date of the five Judicial Reviews into HS2 now set to start on 3rd December, Transport Secretary...
Snippets from the House of Lords debate on HS2 Railways: High Speed 2 Question for Short Debate, 11th July 2012 Asked By Viscount Astor • To ask Her Majesty’s Government...
HS2 now on amber-red alert On 18 April, Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee carried out a review of the recent Report on HS1 by the...
Government admit value for money of building HS2 was inflated. For the fourth time since initial plans published in March 2010, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) for HS2 has been...
A view of the HS2 appraisal Today Justine Greening is meeting MPs about HS2. She is probably aware that many people – and the MPs who...