Where is the transport strategy?

Last year, Steve Baker asked the Secretary of State for Transport, during a Transport Select Committee oral evidence session,...

More on Rayleigh Waves

Email from HS2 Ltd
We’ve been following up about Professor Woodward’s research on Rayleigh Waves and what HS2 are doing about it. (Rayleigh...

Rayleigh Waves and HS2

Several recent news items have discussed the risks to HS2 and the surrounding areas posed by Rayleigh Waves. These include...

Where were the HS2 pros?

Having claimed huge numbers supported HS2, the pro-HS2 vested-interest-group’s PR company apparently couldn’t supply anyone for national news! Note:...

London Mayor Candidate on HS2

Today, Sunday 12th February, Richard Barnes the Conservative Deputy Mayor of London is meeting anti HS2 campaigners at Perivale...
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