Government admit value for money of building HS2 was inflated. For the fourth time since initial plans published in March 2010, the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) for HS2 has been...
It’s a shame NPPF principles don’t apply to HS2 On Tuesday, the Government announced the National Planning Policy Framework, which sadly like the Communities Act will not apply...
HS2 failure will dwarf that of HS1, say Stop HS2 campaign group. The National Audit Office has produced their long-awaited report into HS1, which has highlighted; Passenger numbers have fallen...
NAO says HS1 passenger forecast ‘hugely optimistic’ The National Audit Office today published a report looking into the “The completion and sale of High Speed 1”. (You...
Public Accounts Committee review of Dft spending Today, the Public Accounts Committee released the results of their latest inquiry – “Reducing costs in the Department...