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Two former Chancellors link Network Rail cuts to HS2 spending

In the last week, both Lord (Nigel) Lawson and Alistair Darling, two former Chancellors of the Exchequer have reiterated their opposition to HS2, suggesting the cuts to Network Rail projects are as a direct result of spending on HS2.

What Alistair Darling warned would happen two years ago. I believe the correct phrase now would be "I told you so!".

What Alistair Darling warned would happen two years ago. I believe the correct phrase now would be “I told you so!”.

We’ve not only put together those clips, but added some from when the pair first came out against HS2.

Besides holding the post of Chancellor, Darling had previously been Secretary of State for Transport, and as such he warned back then that if so much money went on HS2, there wouldn’t be the money for the rest of the rail network.

These words from almost two years ago now seem extremely prophetic, given the recent ‘pausing’ of Network Rail projects.