New business case issued today

The much heralded new HS2 business case is being published today, with a written ministerial statement.

It’s expected to be released to Parliament at about 9.30am.

We don’t know exactly what it will say, but we’re expecting the Department for Transport to bring in every spurious ‘benefit’ they can find and ignore every cost of building or running HS2 that they can possibly get away with.

Meanwhile, the Paving bill is on Thursday, and it would be great if you can contact your MP to let them know you want them to vote against it. You can use the tool at to do so.

One comment to “New business case issued today”
  1. Congratulations, Joe and Penny!

    In response to the latest Government statement, you said exactly what what we could have anticipated; in fact, like you ,even before publication, we could probably have written a similar script ourselves…

    We know that every trumpeted “benefit” must be ‘spurious-‘ and that each and every cost and and disadvantage must have been understated and ‘run away from.’..Why? … because it comes from a corrupt and terminally self seeking clique bent only on feathering their own nests, of course.

    It is tragic but self evident that every newly appointed Transport Secretary, no matter how well intentioned and public spirited previously, becomes infected with double standards and disregard for the common good immediatly upon taking office- probably, no ,almost certainly in the pockets of big business-and probably foreign at that. They have exchanged their white hats for black .Repent!

    A week or so ago, a report attempting to list the ‘benefits’ the line would bring was roundly derided- ‘trashed’ was the the expression here- and then the hitherto undisclosed evidence of disadvantage, from the same source was quite rightly welcomed as clearly demonstrating the government’s duplicity.

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