Three weeks left of the HS2 Consultation

Time is running out for the HS2 consultation, with just three weeks left to get your response in.

Philip Hammond is trying to get more people to send in responses in support of HS2.  Consultation response forms have been left on trains on other routes, in the hope of upping the number of responses from people who’ve only seen the Government’s side of the HS2 discussion.

The Birmingham Post reports
“With the consultation due to end on July 29, Mr Hammond warned that the results of the survey could show strong opposition to high speed rail unless supporters took the time to take part.”

If you are reading this, you probably want the consultation to show strong opposition to HS2, so please do your bit, and tell the Government “NO” to their plans.

Please don’t leave it much longer, otherwise you will run out of time.

HS2 Ltd say that you can still ring up for a hardcopy form on 0300 321 1010, or you can download a form here

The address to send replies is Freepost RSLX-UCGZ-UKSS, High Speed Rail Consultation, PO Box 59528, London SE21 9AX.

PS Please see this post from last week for a full set of links to advice on filling in the form.

6 comments to “Three weeks left of the HS2 Consultation”
  1. I think the fact that nameless is in fact nameless gives a clue as to the seriousness of his/her comments !

    Hydrogen is a good idea but it takes large amounts of electricity to create. It makes sense in countries where it can be combined with solar plants. Electric rail is a more efficient use of electricity. Like HS2.

    Whether or not you believe in global climate change, pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels is very real. At current rates of usage supplies will both be becoming more scarce and more expensive the further into this century we get, if we survive 2012 that is !!! And has to mostly be imported it from politically unstable regions ! Which is why we need more electric rail travel versus less car and plane travel. HS2 in other words.

    Response forms have been left on the east coast line to make overcrowded commuters aware that the second leg of hs2 will benefit them by providing relief on the london leeds leg of the journey. Stop HS2 is no stranger to leafletting either !

    The consultation isnt a vote or a survey on whether hs2 should go ahead. in simple terms many more people will benefitted then be disadvantaged by hs2. This is why all the major cities agree with it even London. Boris just wants another £10 billion of investment for London and another tube!!

  2. Yes business supprts the propsed Hs2, so do most of the councils in the midlands. the new line will be a investment. Again to you not agree that the popluation of the uk is also increasing, so what “nameless” has people starving got to do with HS2. Last time i checked there was no one starving in Uk. why say that a work for a public transport boby is that the only was you can agrue you point.

    • So that is a yes then. A lot of people believe global warming is a myth. There is no relationship between the prevelance of a belief and its accuracy. There is also no relationship between people’s narrow self-interests and doing the right thing. We’ve seen that with the banks already. Learn the lesson. Look at the arguments and then decide. Not the other way around.

      The new line is a waste of money. A network of hydrogen fuel stations is a far better investment. Like wise cryoplanes.

      Instead of my view…….google the issue and see if population levels should just be ignored. The finest minds have been saying this will lead us to disaster for nearly 50 years. Ignore that uncomfortable truth and the child of today inherits the mess. Thats very sad. Like most of these posts “A” read.

    • The majority of rail journeys undertaken in this country are by those people travelling to work on very overcrowded commuter lines. How can HS2 help with this ….well it can’t. With an increasing population this is where money should be invested not on a project that will be used by the minority. I have this experience every day and see first hand the misery the lack of investment causes on these routes. These are the routes that fuel Business success as they transport people to their places of work.

  3. Business supports 34 billion government contract shock. Self interest has nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of this. Presumably morris you “work” at a public transport body that exists to sell black as white on public money?

    Google poplulation control and see if this should just be allowed until people starve in the west and a job is held by 1 in 5………….

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