Reminder – deadline for consultations on Phase 2a is Monday

This was first posted on 30th September 2016

HS2 Ltd are currently having three consultations on the route of Phase 2a of their prioposed scheme, from Fradley near Lichfield to Crewe.

The documents can be found on these links:


Equality Impact

Environmental Assessment

All three consultations close at quarter to midnight on 7th November 2016.

4 comments to “Reminder – deadline for consultations on Phase 2a is Monday”
  1. I cannot see any benefit of this project. I have traveled between London and Liverpool and back most weeks for 20 yrs.The service is excellent, with hardly any disruptions. Shaving 15 mins off my travel time will not benefit me in anyway. High speed rail is only essential to countries that are much larger the the UK.

  2. Time UK politics returned to better structure of 60s and MPs retreated from celebrity aim and let professionals design projects to meet real needs. HS2 is not the answer for extending Network Rail route and capacities. People we cannot continue this way to more debt and theatre.

  3. Politicians make believe about inward investment for HS2.

    Why will all the opportunities in the world do the UK MPs live in cloud cuckoo land that foreign inward investment is not attracted to buildings but to rail. There is no return from HS2 except to steal the land at a lower price and squander the opportunity to have better local schools and hospitals. Corbyn and May both dwelling in the land of make believe. Time to pull the UK back from make believe and start to realise the UK and its people have a long hard haul from the last era into the newer poorer real world of global difficulties. Stop this false belief others will fund the future as a favour.

    Adonis and Hoon failed to be realistic and Cameron and Hammond Greening and other MPs continue the make believe. No Saint Theresa in sight as she is lost in the complexities left by no St George or David. May May turn the corner for the UK and find realistic rational UK.

    LABOUR CONFERENCE: ‘Billions of pounds of HS2 money could NOT be used on schools and hospitals instead’

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