Stop HS2 is the national grassroots campaign against HS2, the proposed new High Speed Two railway. We formed after several months of studying the HS2 proposals in depth.
Our mission is
- To Stop High Speed Two by persuading the Government to scrap the HS2 proposal.
- To facilitiate local and national campaiging against High Speed Two.
Our supporters come from a wide range of backgrounds and from across the political spectrum. Over 108,000 people signed our original petition, which we took to Downing Street in October 2011, on the day of a House of Commons debate on HS2.
Stop HS2 supporters work with a variety of international, national and local groups and individuals, with the intention of getting HS2 cancelled.
Our aim is to be inclusive and empowering. We actively encourage individuals and groups to campaign against HS2 in a variety of ways. These have included staging alternative consultation events, releasing a music single, delivering an advent calendar to Chequers, information stalls, setting up action groups, participation in academic and other conferences, discussing common features and strategies with relevant trans-European groups, baking cakes, walks, including the entire route, quiz nights and making films about HS2.
On a national level Stop HS2 has attended Party Conferences, organised lobby Days and demonstrations outside Parliament, a National Convention, the national ‘Beacon’ lighting event, submitting to reviews and consultations, appearing in front of the Transport Select Committee, as well as getting significant levels of press coverage…
Stop HS2 is a campaigning organisation. As such, we are not eligible for charitable status. We have a board of directors, which provides guidance and agrees strategy and an Annual General Meeting.
We also have regular meetings with other campaigners against HS2, including with Agahst (Action Groups Against High Speed Two). Many of our supporters are active in their local Action Group.
Stop HS2’s Chair and Social Media Director is Penny Gaines. Our Treasurer and Campaign Manager is Joe Rukin.
We rely on donations from our supporters to fund our work. Maintaining the level of profile Stop HS2 has achieved costs money so, if you agree with our aim and are thankful for what we are doing, please consider donating direct to Stop HS2.
Please keep up with the national campaign on this website, Twitter, Faceboook and Youtube, and through our mailing list.
STOP HS2 Ltd – a company limited by guarantee no 7443574