Dear HS2 Ltd bods….

Dear HS2 Ltd bods,

Thank you for reminding me that when I had thought that you had got all the way to the bottom (or more rightly top) of the pile in terms or incompetence, that you could always find a way to go further. No wonder you need all those extra staff!

I and many of my associates within the campaign to get you lot made redundant have received the email below which asks us – with just a fortnight to go – to comment on the current consultation. We should follow the link it seems. Well guess what? The link – – doesn’t work! ‘Page not found’ it says. Nice one, well done, top marks for disengaging the public from the supposedly democratic process! I suggest you find another barrel as you have clearly already scraped the bottom away from the one you have been using.

Oh, and if I were you, I’d think about extending the deadline for responses, bearing in mind you claimed (very much on the record) that all Stop HS2 action groups would be considered to be consultees in the future, and you didn’t actually include a single one in your list to contact about this consultation until now. Oh did you forget you promised to give us all the status of official consultees? Yeah, that didn’t end when the main insultation, sorry consultation, finished. Sorry, but the process is ongoing if you hadn’t noticed, those ‘promises’ still count.

So you can extend the deadline or we should we just add this to the next legal challenge? Up to you really. How many errata would that make it now?  As I said, scraping past the bottom of the barrel.

Sorry if this seems unprofessional, but it wasn’t me who set the bar. I do expect an answer.

Joe Rukin
Campaign Coordinator Stop HS2 &
Chair of the Kenilworth Stop HS2 Action Group
Phone O78II 37I88O –
Twitter @joerukin
Facebook –
Skype joerukin

Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 19:43:02 +0100
Subject: Reminder – closing date for consultation on Draft Scope and Methodology for the HS2 Environmental Impact Assessment

Reminder: Closing date for consultation

Further to the email notifying invitees to the April Community Forum meeting of the launch of this consultation, please note that the consultation period for the HS2 Draft Scope and Methodology for the HS2 Environmental Impact Assessment will end at 12pm on Wednesday 30 May. 

The document can be found on the HS2 consultation website here: Hard copies of the consultation draft are available on request.

Responses can be submitted by email to:

or by post to:

EIA Draft Scope and Methodology Consultation< HS2 Ltd Eland House 2nd Floor
Bressenden Place

When responding, please indicate if you would like your response to be treated as confidential. It will be assumed that your response should not be treated as confidential unless you indicate otherwise. The conditions regarding confidentiality and data protection can be found on the consultation website:

High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, registered in England. Registration number 06791686. Registered office Eland House, Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5DU

PS We think they meant to use this URL – – a hyphen is a small thing, but makes a big differnce.

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