HS2: FOI and EIR non-disclosure log

On Thursday, a new document was published on the Government’s website – the HS2: FOI and EIR disclosure log for June 2014 to September 2015.

With a strap line that this document contained “the status of each outcome has been published alongside the subject of each information request”, it was impressive to see a list of 93 FOI requests marked as “fully met”, “partially met” and “met but some info not held”.

foigraphHowever, there is a minor problem with the statement “the status of each outcome has been published”, it’s a bare-faced lie. Not a half truth, not a euphemism, but a complete and utter lie.

Whilst HS2 Ltd tried to paint themselves as a remarkably open organisation, this is in no way reflective of how HS2 Ltd actually operates. There was a major category missed out of the document – FOI requests which were either overdue or refused, but there was no reference these missing FOIs in the log, only gaps in the numbering sequence.

It will be of no surprise that these missing requests far exceed the numbers answered. There are 239 incidences of “status unknown”, which bearing in mind how far back in time the log goes, for the majority the real status will be “refused”. 72% of all FOI requests made to HS2 Ltd in the period the log covers fall into this missing undisclosed category. It may actually be slightly more than this, as there could be requests which should slot in before the first and after the last ones which were disclosed.

For example, FOI 14-1231 is one which does not appear in the official log. It relates to a request for details of the November 2014 MPA report on HS2. This request was refused as long ago as 19th February 2015. Following the a ruling from the Information Commissioner that the information should be released in August, HS2 Ltd (and the Cabinet Office) have appealed to take the case to a Tribunal set for 21st January.

You might have thought that HS2 Ltd would know that………

For the real list, see our attached list: FOI All Pages Analysis.

And here is the Government’s list, with missed out FOI requests: HS2_Ltd_FOI_and_EIR_Partial_Disclosure_log_June_2014-September_2015

3 comments to “HS2: FOI and EIR non-disclosure log”
  1. I asked what the total interest charges would be on the loans that will be taken out to fund HS2. HS2 Ltd said they had no information and were under no obligation to make information up. I estimated it would be another £27Billion pounds on top of the amount they have declared to the public. I suggested this figure but HS2 Ltd made no further comment even though I have requested such information at least 15 times.

  2. I’m growing increasingly alarmed at HS2 Ltd’s behaviour. They appear to circumvent any real consultation, and believe they have the right to lie to the tax payers who fund them, and the electorate in general.

    My position isn’t one of NIMBYism – This train line is not necessary, and especially for the reasons stated. It will not alleviate congestion in the areas where it is most needed, but it will wreck the countryside, cost massively more than originally stated, and bring little benefit.

    How can I help with your campaign?

  3. This is the sort of behaviour by HS2 Ltd which is why the Permanent People’s Tribunal has judged that HS2 Ltd has violated human rights. Awaiting a blog on PPT soon.

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