Greenway Ramble at Burton Green

Hundreds of people turned out for the ramble along the Kenilworth Greenway to Burton Green on Sunday, organised by Burton Green HS2 Action Group.

It was a fun day with walkers of all ages, cyclists, dancers and musicians taking part to celebrate the Greenway.  The Greenway was built using Lottery funding from Sustrans. The organisers gave out nearly 300 bookmarks to people who took part in the event.

Lots of photos here.  There’s also a You-tube video here.

(This shows the route some of the walkers took.)

The ramble is one of a series of walking events organised by STOP HS2 campaigner Lizzy Williams and other local action groups.  More information on events organised for next weekend here.

(If you have other videos or photos of the Greenway event you’d like to share, please email them to

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